25th Anniversary Hawaiian Update

In the event you didn't know, Veronica and I recently traveled to Hawaii to celebrate our 25th anniversary. What a place! Honestly, if I had discovered the Hawaiian islands 25 years ago I would have stayed there. Perfect weather, awesome natural beauty and friendly people. If you have never been...get there! We stayed in a rental house for 3 days just east of the North Shore of Oahu, the fabled mecca of surfing. From there we caught our cruise ship and sailed from Oahu to the "big island" of Hawaii over to Maui, then back to the other side of Hawaii and on to Kauai. We rented cars on all the islands and did a lot of cruising, beach hopping, snorkeling and yes...surfing. Also went to two luau's. We went four-wheeling in an Austrian pinzguaer up to a couple of somewhat hidden craters on a private ranch. Saw humpback whales almost every day. I snorkled with a 3-4' sea turtle as well. We were more than blessed in every aspect of our trip. It's nice to be home, but man it's tempting to find a way to move there! Probably never happen:(