I still have a blog!
I need to start keeping up with this thing. I guess it would be ok to just rattle off some highlights eh? Here goes...
Kids stuff: Nathaniel landed a job at a full service ad agency as a web designer. Not too shabby. He is bidding farwell to his Caribou Coffee career of many years. His girlfriend, Val will be starting her last year of Med school in the fall and will start looking for an internship somewhere in a major city. Probably NYC or Chicago.
Naomi and Jeph are engaged. The ring is on her hand. They are looking for a house. She is still supernanny but less-so in the summer (she nannies for a couple of teachers). The wedding may be a small affair of direct family only. Not really sure what they have in mind. Jeph is working towards managing one of Prestige Photography's locations as well as his freelance work.
Katie and Noel now have 14 pets! Noel's brother and sister-in-law have moved in with them to help each party financially and to assist with Debbies soon to be born baby. They all seem to be adjusting very well together.
Ben continues to amaze us with just how little someone can actually do. There's not much to say here.
Nathaniel and I are going to Thailand in July to hang with a missionary friend of our pastor. 12 of us in total are going to coach english and do some construction. Did someone say "real" Thai food? O ya'
Veronica and I have been to Pine Knob (DTE Energy theater) 3 times already to take in the perfect weekend nights and hear loud and live music. So far we've seen The Barenaked Ladies, The Fray and believe it or not Ted Nugent. The BNL's are NOT my type of music so I admit I simply endured the show, but the night was perfect and Veronica enjoyed them. The Fray was actually quite cool. I listen to indie/college rock almost exclusively right now and they fit the bill for me that night, we both had a great time. Now Ted...that was interesting. When I was a kid I saw The Nuge 6 times and thought he was the greatest guitar player ever. So I thought, what the heck it's been 28 years since I last saw him (and it was cheap). So can he still play?...Dang, can he ever! He's an old potty mouth machine gun slingin' riff monster. Let's just say I'm satisfied to have seen him again and while I respect his playing, I don't feel compelled to see him again anytime soon. Ask me in three years.
I bought another Tipi a couple months back and cut my own poles on our property. I still haven't been back up there to retrieve the poles but hope to have it set-up in August. I'll post lots of photos once it's up. I got it new from a different tent builder then the one who made my first one. This company has made 20,000 tipi's in the last 36 years. They made the tipi's in "dances with wolves" and "the last samuri".
I've done a little recording of original music on and off over the last 6 months. Having fun with it.
Veronica has been taking great care of the gardens around the house. We now have a large raspberry patch too. She's been working a little less lately so she can enjoy the outdoors. We spend alot of time in and around the pool lately. The pool seems to attract everyone in the family and we've had several spontaneous parties break-out over the past few weeks.
Peace out!